In Memoriam
11 September 2001...
To everyone who cares…
As the world has been stunned by the outrageous, subhuman acts of contempt for every principle adhered to by all members of the civilised world, and the protracted battle to wipe this evil from the face of our world has begun, we also have to reflect on more immediate matters related to these events.
I think that there can be no doubt that we all feel that some kind of permanent memorial to these tragedies should be created. Also a place must be given to the surviving relatives where they can mourn their beloved wives, husbands, parents and children whom have perished in these tragic events.
I suggest that the debris of the buildings from the World Trade Centre, part of which will be the indistinguishable burnt remains of many of the victims, will be used, after all the forensic investigations have ended, to create a large, low 'burial mound' at an appropriate location on which will be deposited a layer of soil. This layer should be composed of soil brought from every state of the United States of America, and perhaps even from all the countries of the world that feel they want to place themselves behind the statement that we are all from one earth and of one race… the human race.
Into the earth of this burial mound the remains of the victims can then be transferred with the headstones that have been placed at the earlier locations of the graves. Also headstones can be placed with the names of the people whose remains will have never been found, but will be buried there amongst the remains of the buildings. These stones should not all be the same but should be chosen by the surviving relatives with inscriptions of their wording thereby emphasising that, although we are indeed all of one earth and of one race, we are also all unique individuals, whose lives are precious gifts, and whose rights should never be violated in such an inhuman way ever again. The ashes of the victims whose recovered bodies will have been cremated could also be scattered at the grounds of that burial mound.
A different, or a similar memorial could be created for the victims of the events at the Pentagon, or one memorial mound could be made for the victims of both these events and the debris of the destroyed part of the Pentagon could be made part of this one burial mound.
To end I have only few words to say about the ones behind these crimes against humanity.
The creatures that perpetrated these unspeakable crimes have lost the right to be considered as being part of the human race because nothing in their acts is even vaguely reminiscent of the qualities that we define as human qualities. By taking away from so many people all the rights that we humans feel are granted to each and every individual of our race they have forfeited any claim to each and every of these rights for themselves.
At this time in history everyone on this earth must make one of two choices...
Are you part of the human race with everything that this entails with regard to the respect for the lives and rights of your fellow man, or are you 'on the other side' where hate, selfishness and contempt for all human values reign the minds of people?
From this day on it must be permanently made clear that if you choose to be on that 'other side' and you will continue to undertake these heinous crimes against humanity that one day you will experience what it means to incur the wrath of the entire civilised world...
For we, inhabitants of that civilised world, must undertake whatever is needed to eradicate this plague that is called terrorism.
On September 16th I sent this message to ''. Apart from a standard and perhaps automatically generated reply I have not received a reaction.
So on the 20th I sent it to ''. No reaction.
On the 25th I sent it by e-mail to someone at the U.S. Embassy in the Netherlands. Again no reply.
Maybe you are interested...
Is this a suggestion that might 'appeal' to the people of the USA (and the rest of the world)?
These were just my thoughts...
© 2001 BHM
september 2001, v. 1.0